
Is Hiking A Good First Date?

Is hiking a good first date?

Single life can be challenging, and sometimes you want to try to go on a unique date other than the standard dinner or drinks.  Some of you may ask, is hiking a good first date? 

Between natural landscapes, peaceful settings, and accessibility, there is no question that hiking is a terrific way to spend the first date.  There are so many romantic directions that you can go with this date idea.  We will touch on the good and the bad in this complete guide for hiking first dates. 

Is Hiking A Good First Date? The Pros:

Hiking is such a great first date so many reasons some of them include:

  • Peaceful
  • Great exercise
  • Natural beauty 
  • Free
  • Exercise
  • Surrounded by nature
  • Can be as short or long as you want
  • low expectations
  • Unique

Peace And Quite:

There is nothing worse than going on a first date in a busy bar where you can’t hear a word either of you is saying.  I know I have been in this predicament where we are both perpetually saying “what” for half the date.  The nice thing about a hiking date is that you are in an environment where it is easy to have a calm and relaxed conversation without loud music, bar noise, or pushy waitress.

While you are in this kind of environment you will find that it is easy to have a relaxed conversation while taking a stroll in nature.  

Enjoy Some Light Exercise:

Hiking is an excellent form of aerobic exercise, and unlike running, it is one you can do at a comfortable effort while carrying on a conversation.  While I understand not everyone is looking to get sweaty when on a date, I think that hiking is a great way for you to both accomplish a small goal while getting to know each other.  Combining some awesome endorphins with a friendly conversation helps make hiking one of the best first date ideas.  

Unique Date Idea:

Choosing to go on a hike for your first date is a great way to stand out when going on a first date.  Let’s face it, everyone does the classic dinner, drinks, or a movie date, but hiking allows you to go outside the box and lets your personality shine through your date choice.  By choosing to go on a hiking first date you immediately show many different characteristics about yourself.  For example, if you are considering a hiking first date, you are outdoorsy in some sense, you enjoy exercise, and are not afraid of going outside the box.

Can Be A Quick Date Or A Long One:

Another thing to love about hiking dates is that you have a ton of flexibility with them in terms of timing.  You can start off with a quick hour-long hike, and if things are going well, you can take a turn on the trail and extend your date a bit longer or even suggest grabbing a meal after your hike. 

On the other side of the coin, if the date turns out to be a bit awkward, then you can pick up the pace and hike a little faster, and you’ll be out of there in no time!  While I am obviously kidding, it’s good to know that the worst you may have to andure is a few miles of quite hiking.  

Free And Low Pressure:

The next perk of hiking as a first date is free!  This is nice for saving a couple of bucks and helps set expectations low for both parties, leaving you with a low-pressure date.  At the end of the day, you are both just going on a walk through nature, you do not have to worry about dressing up to the nines, or what kind of cologne/perfume you are wearing.  All you need to do is grab some hiking boots and get hiking. 

There is no stress if things are not going great in the conversation department.  You are just going on a walk through nature, and when you finish, you can both go your separate ways. 

Is Hiking A Good First Date? The Cons:

There are some concerns that people typically have with a hiking first date include the following: 

  • Getting murdered
  • Getting lost 
  • Awkward silences



Alright, let’s address the elephant in the room, which is going out into the wilderness with someone you don’t know sounds like the plot from a horror movie.  Fortunately, if we are placing bets, I’d say murderers are few and far between. If this is something that concerns you I would stick with heavily trafficked trails and only go during popular times.

As with every hike, I recommend telling someone where you are going and how long you expect to be out in the woods.  I say this not because I think there is a good chance of someone whacking you in the wilderness but more so because it is good practice in case extenuating circumstances such as navigation issues or extreme weather come up.

Getting Lost:

While it is possible to get lost whenever on the trail, getting lost on a hiking date would be one for the books.  If you are not an experienced hiker, I would recommend sticking with a popular hiking destination in your area with well-marked trails.  This way, it can be as easy as following a path.  Also, it would be best if you considered bringing your date to a place you know relatively well to reduce the risk of this happening to you.

Awkward Silences:

Awkward silences and moments happen with all dates and are not a characteristic of hiking dates in particular.  However, you do not have some of the social lubricants that come with typical first dates, such as alcohol or food.  While awkward silences can be uncomfortable at times, they don’t have to be the end of the world.  When you are out on the trail, instead of being anxious about the silence, you can instead take a moment to appreciate it and continue on your stroll conversation will come. 

Tips For Your First Hiking Date:

Just to recap some of our hiking date tips:

  • Know the area you are hiking in.
  • Always let someone know where you are hiking and when you expect to return. 
  • Pack a picnic
  • Make sure your date likes the outdoors.

Pack A Picnic Everytime:

tips for a hiking first date

A picnic is the epitome of a classy date.  Dinner and drinks are cool, but how many people enjoy a homemade picnic on the top of a mountain?  The picnic can also be a game-time decision.  If vibes aren’t matching, you do not even have to mention it, but a picnic can be a pleasant romantic surprise if sparks are flying!

I recommend going with something light; cheese and crackers should do the trick.  You can even throw in some canned wine!

Make Sure Your Date Actually Enjoys The Outdoors:

Now, this seems like an obvious one, but hey, you never know.  Some people out there straight up do not like the outdoors (weird, I know).  I would try to stick with an area that is more in their comfort zone for these people.  As we said first dates can be stressful why put your date in an situation they are typically uncomfortable in if you can avoid it.  If the relationship progresses, you can expand into areas where you are uncomfortable, but it’s best to keep the first day simple.  If hiking isn’t their thing, maybe try for something else. 

Hope This Helps!

Hiking can be an excellent way to spend the first date. With beautiful scenery and nature surrounding yourself, you and your date can take the time to get to know each other while going on a scenic walk. 

I hope this guide helps answer the question “is hiking a good first date?” for you.  Check out some of our national park guides to see if any of our reviewed parks are in your area to give you some ideas for future day hikes.  If you are looking for more first date tips check out this helpful article.

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